white color in home decor

 white color in home  decor

White is a luminous color in itself that radiates purity and serenity
The one who loves the color white is one of the most pure people in the world . He has a personality that loves honesty and hates lying
White color is for people with a strong personality who does not accept complacency in speaking the truth .

Therefore , the white color is found in abundance in their homes

Here I am talking about pure white , not dark shades of white .

First of all , where do we find the color white in nature ?

White is the color of snow when it falls from the sky .

It is the color of pure milk and the color of good cream .

White is not one of the colors of the rainbow, but rather a result of all the colors of the spectrum .

White is the color of perfection. The psychological meaning of white is purity, innocence, and perfection .

There is no very pure white in this world, but there are shades of white combined with warm colors, blue or black .

White in homes

With all this purity, we can never use absolute white
Because that gives a feeling of boredom
As I am, the truth does not appear clearly except in the presence of clear falsehood
White needs strong colors to show its elegance and beauty

Using white in wall paints

Light tones are the most common in interior wall paints, especially in rooms, because they give a feeling of comfort and spaciousness.
There are houses that are all in one color, one of the shades of off-white, and in paint companies, these shades are found in distinct ways, as shown in the following picture.

Do you like all the walls of your house to be the same white color

 and rely on furniture and accessories for a variety of colors ?

Types of interior decorations that rely on white as the main element :

  1. minimalist decor ;

  • The font is clear, monochrome, and the simplicity of the design is what this type of decoration is criminalized for

  • This type requires precision in choosing interior furniture, so that each piece expresses something essential in itself, and here comes the uniqueness of the white color in this style in a noticeable way, as it is a very essential element in the minimalist style .

2- Ultra modern

 Ultra modern style is a system that relies on simplicity in a very modern way, with sharp furniture in its corners and very few colors, so the white color in abundance is a basic color for this style .

One of the beautiful things is the elegance of the white color in this style, and it is used here matte or shiny .

 3- cozy space

Not all people like large spaces . This style is new. It relies on less spacious spaces so that they feel a sense of belonging and warmth .
Here, white shines and appears as a primary color  .

In all types of decor, the white color is considered essential. There is no decorative space, whether a home or an office, that does not have a share of the white color.

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